Wireless Ad-hoc server script

Today, a quick and dirty Bash script which will allow you, for instance, to quickly serve files from your laptop to other wireless devices (Warning here, we use WEP encryption which is not secure).

# Wireless Ad-hoc script
# https://agentoss.wordpress.com / fredo696@gmail.com
# This script will setup your wireless adapter in Ad-Hoc mode
# and start a DHCP server so that other peers (eg. an Android device)
# can receive an IP address and connect to your computer.
# After that, you can start a minimal webserver (darkhttpd for example)
# so that you can quickly share some files with minimal effort!
# This script must be run as root.
# Tested on Arch Linux.
# Some adaptations may be needed for other Linux systems.
# Requirements: iw, ifconfig commands, and dnsmasq.
# WARNING : WEP encryption is weak security :)

# User variables

# Main program
echo -n "Stopping wireless connections (if any)... "
# adapt to your system; I use wicd
systemctl stop wicd && echo "OK"
# for networkmanager
#systemctl stop NetworkManager

echo -n "Starting wireless Ad-hoc mode... "
ifconfig $mywlan down || exit 1
iwconfig $mywlan mode ad-hoc || exit 1
iwconfig $mywlan essid $myessid
iwconfig $mywlan channel $mychan
[ "$mywepkey" ] && iwconfig $mywlan key $mywepkey

ifconfig $mywlan $myip
ifconfig $mywlan up && echo "OK"
echo -n "Starting DHCP server ... "
dnsmasq --dhcp-range="$mydhcprange" && echo "OK"

echo "--------------------------------------"
echo "ESSID : $myessid"
[ "$mywepkey" ] && echo "WEP KEY : $mywepkey"
echo "This computer's IP : $myip"
echo "--------------------------------------"

# debug
#iwconfig $mywlan

while true; do
echo -n "Enter 'q' to quit. "
read value
if [ "$value" == "q" ]; then

echo -n "Killing DHCP server... "
killall dnsmasq && echo "OK"
echo -n "Killing wireless... "
# restoring the wlan interface to "default" mode
ifconfig $mywlan down
iwconfig $mywlan mode managed
iwconfig $mywlan essid off
iwconfig $mywlan key off
echo "OK"
echo "Wireless Ad-hoc mode terminated."
# now you can restart your network manager

exit 0

Building a simple lightweight web kiosk system with Arch GNU/Linux

Update 29/03/2014 : This tutorial is currently outdated and may not work as intended. I made it before Arch switched to the systemd init system.

Optimized for maximum boot speed and read-only filesystem operation (especially for usb drives and other flash memory cards).

DISCLAIMER : As always, use this tutorial at your own risk!

Hardware used for this howto :
Mini-ITX motherboard with Pentium-M 1.5GHz (centrino)
512M DDR ram
Integrated graphics, sound and ethernet.
8G Compact Flash card with IDE-CF adapter.

Continue reading

Arch Linux on the HP Pavilion DM1-3xxx notebook (AMD E-350 “Zacate” based series)

Computer specs

Specs will vary, my model is the 3130.

Goal of this tutorial

To quickly setup a functional, lightweight Arch Linux system, optimized for our portable computer.
This guide may evolve during time as I try to improve my Linux experience 🙂